Wednesday, October 28, 2009

You Can Do It! Don't Get Distracted!

Put your mind to your goals and stay focused on what you want to achieve and soon enough you will at the finish line. So many times when we are close to achieving our goals, we will get distracted and just stop. I implore you remain vigilant when it comes to your dreams and goals and this time around don't stop until you achieve your desired results. Don't get distracted by how things happpen, just know that everyone has their own way of doing things. You take road A and they may take Road B, but in the end we can still make it to the same destination. Don't get distracted and stay focused. You can do it! Here are a few quick tips/hints that I use to accomplish my goals:

1. Make a list of what you want to achieve/accomplish/have happen
2. Don't get so involved in how it will happen, but just focus on the end results
3. As you complete a task, cross it off your To-Do List
4. Have measured results. What do you want to accomplish today?
5. Know when you've completed a task. What does completion look like? How do you know?
6. Get feedback from family and friends and be open to receive ALL feedback you request

Look forward to hearing feedback on your projects/goals/dreams and look for more tips/hints so that we can achieve our goals and keep our mind on what we envision for our lives. Live healthy and happy. Healing Truths

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