Saturday, January 16, 2010

President Obama came on television today to announce that both former President Bill Clinton and G. W. Bush will join together to lead a major fundraising campaign for teh American people. A campaign that they can trust and believe in. President Clinton also shared his connectedness to Haiti and hopefully that will also assist Americans in making a decision to donate. The two former presidents have set up the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund to accept donations to help the Haitian people rebuild their lives. This is a great showing of Unity and I am sure that President Obama is showing up much better than his past reactions to creating solutions to issues that have come up while he has been in office (less than a year). This is a great start to 2010 and hope that this will begin to create a more cohesive America. An America that is inclusive, healthy and template for other nations to want to emulate.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Ways YOU Get To Support Haiti To Recover

Looking for a way to help the earthquake victims in #Haiti? Every little bit counts, see what you can do -

Did you know you can help the earthquake victims in #Haiti just by texting? It's true, find out how -

Wyclef Jean and Other Celebrities Solicit Support for Haiti - A day after Haiti's devastating earthquake President....

Dalembert Talks About Earthquake In Haiti - Philadelphia 76ers center Samuel Dalembert was on Sportscenter Wednesday...

A nice thing to do -> you can reach a lot of people 2 get help 4 Haiti: Text "Haiti" to 90999 to donate $10 through @redcross

This is a great time to Change The World. Be The Change YOU Wish To See!!!!

Sarah Palin On Bill O'Reilly

Sarah Palin on Bill O'Reilly

Did you get a chance to see Sarah Palin's Fox debut last night? I don't think I have ever seen O'Reilly actually listen to anyone on his show. You can tell that he is Pro Palin and that the interview isn't fair or balanced. Palin kept stating that President Obama hasn't kept any promises and that he doesn't have a bipartisan approach. She was very condescending about Senate members volunteering their time with children/students. Palin feels Harry Reid thinking is foreign to most Americans. She can make that evaluation about Reid because she comes from a very diverse background (Alaska). She also decided to share that she doesn't think that Trent Lott is a racist either. Compared apples to oranges basically.

Palin says that President Obama should put financial sanctions on Iran and that there hasn't been any change only for the worst. She wouldn't say that we should attack Iran, but feels we should use it as the last option. She feels the president should convince Americans that they are willing to do anything to protect our allies: Israel. Fox can't be serious.... This is really going to make it easy for the GOP to continue sliding down the popularity poll and convincing most Americans they are not really thinking about what is best for America.


HAITI: See the Affected Areas

If you want to see the affected areas from the 7.0 earthquake and these areas are still experiencing powerful aftershocks.

Here is a link with a list of affected cities, because I know its hard to get any contact right now.

HAITI: See the Affected Areas

Also, keep Haiti in your prayers. There are so many organizations to choose from. I just hope all that can will just choose one and let's change the world! Haiti changed the world as the first nation created by slaves and freed by slaves! Now, let's work as free men and women and make history again!

Here are some organizations that hope to have your support: Hands on Disaster Response Organization Haiti 411 Catholic Relief Charities Health and Education Relief Organization Yele Wyclef's relief organization to find out other places you can contribute to the relief efforts

And of course, The American and British Red Cross is always open for donations. You make the choice, just make a choice and GIVE.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Harry Reid Is Just a Distraction Tactic For The GOP!

I just wanted to chime in on the Harry Reid incident regarding his own words published in the book "Game Change," by Mark Halperin and John Heilemann. The book quotes Reid as saying privately in 2008 that President Obama could succeed as a black candidate partly because of his "light-skinned" appearance and speaking patterns "with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one." It is funny that these things come out now, but what is even funnier is all of the Black folk I saw on the news last night. Where do they come from? Can Blacks only get on the news when it is an issue that affects Blacks? Why is this? I am so furious at CNN, MSNBC, Fox News and HLN for calling up every Black person that ever has been on their show to discuss their opinion of Harry Reid's comments. We have to do better. This is a great example of the disparity in news and the how unbalanced our nation really is. Blacks can discuss topics that are not race based. Blacks can discuss issues about the economy, homeland security, world affairs and healthcare to name a few. Try it out! It would be great to really have real balance in news and have a real panel that represents our Nation.

Harry Reid's future in the Senate and as the Majority leader should not be "up in the air". That is non sense. Also, we have to stop being so extra sensitive when it comes to discussing race in America. So many times we are quick to label someone as racist just because they shared their authentic position.

Harry Reid's comments did not come across to me as "racist", but James Strom Thurmon was a RACIST! No doubt about it. Didn't he have a Black daughter? Hmmmm.....

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