If you want to see the affected areas from the 7.0 earthquake and these areas are still experiencing powerful aftershocks.
Here is a link with a list of affected cities, because I know its hard to get any contact right now. http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/pager/events/us/2010rja6/index.html
HAITI: See the Affected Areas
Also, keep Haiti in your prayers. There are so many organizations to choose from. I just hope all that can will just choose one and let's change the world! Haiti changed the world as the first nation created by slaves and freed by slaves! Now, let's work as free men and women and make history again!
Here are some organizations that hope to have your support:
http://hodr.org/ Hands on Disaster Response Organization
http://haiti411.com/ Haiti 411
http://crs.org/ Catholic Relief Charities
http://www.herononprofit.org/ Health and Education Relief Organization
www.yele.org Yele Wyclef's relief organization
www.whitehouse.gov to find out other places you can contribute to the relief efforts
And of course, The American and British Red Cross is always open for donations. You make the choice, just make a choice and GIVE.
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