Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Al Sharpton schools Tavis Smiley

Wow! This is what I am talking about. Real Talk, Real Discussions. It
is okay to disagree and resolve issues. Wish it could have been done in
private, but this is a teachable moment for us all. Tavis seemed to be
a bit upset during this interview/call, but he dished it out.

1. Conjecture about what he said: he said to go to for a transcript. Is it free? Will it cost me money? Not sure why he couldn't just say what he said.

2. He has attacked President Obama, so why wouldn't I be able to find times he attacked Sharpton?

He said that comments need clarity, but he didn't clarify anything!

asked for Sharpton to come on March 20th to Chicago for a LIVE
conversation. Sharpton declined due to schedule conflict. Tavis lost me
during the State of the Black Union last year. He said some mean things
about the President. He offers very few solutions for the Black
community, and then he has the nerves to want folk to support him. I am
very disappointed in him.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for you replies/feedback. I can't read chinese, but maybe I can see if I can translate it. Thanks so much!!! Have a good one.


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