Sunday, February 7, 2010

COFFEE PARTY NATION (Can't Offer Fake Financial Economic Equality

Let's start a REVOLUTION!!

TIME TO TAKE BACK AMERICA! STOP!! Aren't we Americans? Aren't we in America? What the heck are these guys talking about and spreading lies and false claims. We didn't have a debt when the the last administration took office. AMERICA had a surplus after Clinton left office and the debt was incurred because George W. Bush spent money and didn't have any way to pay for it. Bush left this debt on the American people. Let's be real so we can really face the issues and correct them. It is kind of like you know your child is rogue, but yo won't admit that he is responsible. No more hiding the truth and denying, it is time to fix it and let's move forward to a new prosperous era in our Nation. The OBAMA administration is not the cause of the financial crisis. Let's not fall into another meltdown, let's work as a TEAM to be sure we get this RIGHT. WE can do this without bashing the Administration and really having Patriotic Spirit to move AMERICA forward. It shouldn't be just about some, but we ALL can make a difference. Be a part of the process to create SOLUTIONS not problems. If you love AMERICA, your country and want our GOVERNMENT to work FOR THE PEOPLE and BY THE PEOPLE, PLEASE JOIN the new COFFEE PARTY NATION (Can't Offer Fake Financial Economic Equality) Event in a town near you. Stay tune for dates and locations. Let's get this movement started. If you are want to be a part of this "MOVEMENT" tweet you that you are and use #COFFEEPARTYNATION in your message @blsuccess

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