Written by Selena Spencer-Lipscomb
I am not going to take a lot of time talking about the press conference today. President Obama addressed the chatter very presidential-like and really made the "birthers" look like silly playground bullies! Enough is enough. Like President Obama said, "It is time for this kind of silliness to end. We have BIG Problems to solve. We live at a serious time. America will come out on top, but we have to be serious to do so!"
We must stop spending time on frivolous things and get back to what really matters. Our children are watching and to tell you the truth, they don't feel very confident in the adults running this nation. The 2012 election is right around the corner. It is time to talk about the issues and what is really going on.
Who is responsible for the high gas prices? Who in Congress has been an advocate for Big Oil? Call them out and make them famous Mr. John McCain. Be of your word!!! The president said we went into Libya because of the atrocities that their leader was allegedly going to do. If that is so, let's talk about Congo, Sudan, South Side of Chicago, NE and SE DC, East Cleveland, Ohio and the list goes on and on and on!
Food prices are extremely high, so that means that many are going without eating. Is there enough in the White House garden to feed the hungry children of the DMV? Any local farmers willing to feed our hungry families living in the District of Columbia?
If they build another road.... Many of the children in the nation's capital haven't even drove on these roads, so it really doesn't impact them. We need clearer/transparent solutions to solve today's growing problems here at home. CONGRESS must take time to listen, but they won't if we don't demand that they do so. What will it take?
We have real problems and we can no longer waist time talking about what doesn't matter and has no basis. What a waste of time. We must demand MORE from Congress. We also, must be willing to speak truth to the Powers that be. ARE YOU IN?
Will we allow CONGRESS to continue to distract us? It takes more than the president to pass a bill or make a change. If CONGRESS isn't working, President Obama can't work for the American people - YOU!! Let's get Congress working and hold each one of them accountable for what we need for America to be on top! May God Bless America!
Selena Spencer-Lipscomb
@blsuccess on Twitter
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