Big FACEBOOK announcement Wednesday at 1PM
by Selena Spencer-Lipscomb
Mark Zuckerberg has promised that Facebook will have a HUGE announcement today at 1 p.m. EST (10 a.m. PST). But what will it be? What do you think he has up his sleeve?
An Ipad App? Come on' that isn't huge, but would be "about time". I heard something about photo sharing for the iPhone too, but that isn't what I would call a HUGE Announcement. I also heard it will be the "gmail killer". Hmmm. must have something to do with phones too....
The invite that Facebook sent out looks like it may be a new face to face chat option and that Skype may be the newest digital "dive" unless they have partnered up with Facebook. I hope they were in on the "big announement".
Maybe Mark has learned how to beam folk to the location on their desires. This will guarantee he will win the Nobel Peace Prize. Just think of all of the time we would save commuting and also the pollution index would be amazing!
With GOOGLE getting in on social media networking it is probably in competition with their "HANGOUT" feature that is apart of the newly launched Google+ social network.
GOOGLE has the android market on lock, so maybe Facebook will venture into the android market too. So many rumors! So many could be, Guess we will ALL have to watch today at 1PM to find out what FACEBOOK really has going on.
You can catch me on Twitter @blsuccess I'll be tweeting all about the latest and greatest Facebook news! We can find out what to expect together by checking out the FACEBOOK stream at http://www.facebook.com/FacebookLive or just follow me on Twitter where I will give you the scoop 140 characters at a time! @blsuccess
Thanks for checking out my blog!
You can click on the title to go directly to FACEBOOK Live to see the live stream of the announcement at 1pm
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