Monday, November 16, 2009

Oprah Goes Rogue: A Sarah Palin Interview

I have been feverishly working today to have everything completed by 4pm so that I won't miss a single moment of Oprah today. For anyone who has been under a rock this week, Sarah Palin will be her guest today and she will answer all questions on deck on her show. I will be interesting to get a chance to hear Palin speak while not under the "McCain box" that she found herself in during the presidential run. Who knows, I may end up seeing eye-to-eye with her. I am hoping that we can meet on some of the issues that are brought up on the show today. I plan to take a lot of notes. Palin's book Going Rogue goes on sale tomorrow and is already a best-seller. Who knew, but they say that there is a book in all of us, just not a ghostwriter for all of us!

What are some questions you want Oprah to ask Palin? Do you think that Palin said those mean and hurtful things about her youngest son? Are you willing to watch the interview with an open mind?

I would like Oprah to ask Palin what her plans are for 2012? Why she left her position as Governor in Alaska and what message does that send to about her ability staying committed to an elected post? What are her short-term goals for 2010? I have told myself that there is no way that she could say or call her baby son those mean and demeaning names. I will watch today with an open mind and I hope that this interview goes way way way way better than the Katie Couric interview. At the end of the day, I am hoping that she doesn't feel slighted by Oprah's questions and that we all get a better glimpse of "who is Sarah Palin".

Don't miss Oprah today at 4pm @OPRAH
Barbara Walters will also have an interview with Sarah on ABC. Check your local listing for date and time.

Sarah Palin's book "Going Rogue" can be purchased at Wal-Mart for $9 along with other hardcover book titles. Buy it at for the same price too:

Going Rogue contributors include: Amy Alexander, Max Blumenthal, Joe Conason, Eve Ensler, Michelle Goldberg, Jane Hamsher, Christopher Hayes, Jim Hightower, Linda Hirshman, Naomi Klein, Dahlia Lithwick, Amanda Marcotte, Shannyn Moore, John Nichols, Tom Perrotta, Katha Pollitt, Frank Rich, Hanna Rosin, Matt Taibbi, Michael Tomasky, Rebecca Traister, Katrina vanden Heuvel, Jessica Valenti, Patricia Williams, JoAnn Wypijewski and Gary Younge.

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