President Obama came on television today to announce that both former President Bill Clinton and G. W. Bush will join together to lead a major fundraising campaign for teh American people. A campaign that they can trust and believe in. President Clinton also shared his connectedness to Haiti and hopefully that will also assist Americans in making a decision to donate. The two former presidents have set up the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund to accept donations to help the Haitian people rebuild their lives. This is a great showing of Unity and I am sure that President Obama is showing up much better than his past reactions to creating solutions to issues that have come up while he has been in office (less than a year). This is a great start to 2010 and hope that this will begin to create a more cohesive America. An America that is inclusive, healthy and template for other nations to want to emulate.
I am not sure what that means, but I do believe that the U.S. showed up strong in Haiti and continues to. I know men and women who are there and I am so thankful for their service and sacrifice. To travel for long periods of time away from your family and Your life is really taxing. It takes support, fortitude and constructive communication for the best deployments to be successful. Continue to hope we can unite to really all live the lives we desire. It is possible. This is a great step towards Unity. Peace and thanks for your comment.